UI/UX Designer

Kraken Illustrations

Kraken Illustrations Rebranding

Kraken Illustration Rebranding

I have collaborated with Kraken for a few years and have developed design work I am proud of, which is valuable to share. One of these designs is the rebranding illustrations.

In the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies, few names carry the weight and power of Kraken, the world's largest Bitcoin exchange. As Kraken undertakes a journey of rebranding and transformation, it's essential to remember that this process isn't limited to just logos and slogans; it's a full-scale transformation of identity – including a series of illustrations for the rebranding of Kraken.

Before we dive into the world of illustrations, let's take a quick look at what Kraken represents. Established in 2011, Kraken has evolved to become a cryptocurrency juggernaut, offering a platform for trading and investing in digital assets. Known for its commitment to security and transparency, it's only fitting that the rebranding process reflects these values.